Heavy Cruiser Seydlitz

WW2 German Heavy Cruiser Seydlitz
Heavy Cruiser Seydlitz

29 Dec 36: Laid down in Bremen as the Schwere Kreuzer K.

19 Jan 39: Launched as the Schwere Kreuzer Seydlitz.

1939-42: Tied up unfinished in Bremen.

26 Aug 42: Although 95% finished, work was halted and dismantlingwas begun in preperation for conversion of the Seydlitz to an aircraftcarrier.

June 43: Conversion and dismantling work was halted, and the ship wasmoved to Königsburg.

10 Apr 45: The unfinished ship was scuttled in Königsburgharbor.

29 Jan 45: The scuttled hulk of the Seydlitz was blown up.

Post-1945: The Seydlitz became a Soviet war-prize and was laterraised and dismantled, possibly to aid in the completion of its sistership, the Lützow which, after being sold tothe USSR in 1940 was renamed the Petropavlovsk, later the Tallin, andfinally the Dnepr.

Ship was never commissioned into the Kriegsmarine.