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Research Themes

  • The German Imperial Army 1918 – 1935


    The German Imperial Army 1918 – 1935

    The units, formations, and organizations of the transitional Weimar-era German Army and Navy.

  • The German Navy 1919-1935


    The German Navy 1919-1935

    The units, formations, and organizations of the transitional Weimar-era German Navy.

  • The Nazi German Air Force 1935-1945


    The Nazi German Air Force 1935-1945

    The units, formations, and organization of the German Air force (Luftwaffe), including both air and ground units.

  • The Nazi German Armed Waffen-SS 1933-1945


    The Nazi German Armed Waffen-SS 1933-1945

    The units, formations, and organizations of the Armed SS, from the largest Army to the smallest battalions.

  • The Nazi German Army 1935-1945


    The Nazi German Army 1935-1945

    The units, formations, and organizations of the Nazi German Army.

  • The Nazi German Navy 1935-1945


    The Nazi German Navy 1935-1945

    The units, formations, and organization of the German Navy (Kriegsmarine), including ships and naval ground units.

  • Auxiliary Organizations


    Auxiliary Organizations

    The history of the Armed Forces Auxiliary organizations that assisted or aided the German military during and prior to WWII.

  • Axis Collaboration


    Axis Collaboration

    The history of the collaborationist formations that assisted the German Armed Forces during WWII.

  • Axis Powers


    Axis Powers

    The history of the European Axis Powers that fought alongside Germany during WWII.

  • Foreign Volunteers


    Foreign Volunteers

    The history of the extensive foreign volunteer formations that served within the German Armed Forces during WWII.


German Armed Forces Forums

Take Part in Discussion

Read and post messages regarding the German Armed Forces in a series of different forums.



Army Operations & Campaigns

The history of Wehrmacht campaigns both during and before WWII, from the earliest invasions of Austria and Czechoslovakia, all the way to the last battles in Germany in 1945.



WW2 German Medals and Awards

German military-related awards and medals of the WWII era, including awards for combat performance, military service and auxiliary and civilian assistance.


German Military Events on this Date

Read a chronological listing of German military events that occurred 1939-1945 this month.

July 24, 1942

Large numbers of Russian troops are liquidated in andaround Rostov after German troops secure the city.

July 24, 1943

In Germany the RAF starts a series of devastatingbombing raids (6 over 10 days) against the city of Hamburg. These raidskill over 40,000 people and ruin a quarter of the city’s dwellings. Thedropping of tons of anti-radar foil, code-named Window, effectivelyparalyz the German early-warning system and blind the flak defenses.Bombing attacked are also launched against industrial targets in Norway.In the Mediterranian, American forces continue to secure Siciliy.

July 24, 1944

Russians occupy Hungerberg and Riigi. Lublink, Poland isoccupied by the Soviets. The River San is crossed by the Sovietsnorthwest of Lvov. The 3rd Baltic Army, consisting of 20 divisions, faces the German forces in the region of Narva – the entire Northern frontis set to explode.

German Officer &
Knights Cross Holder

The following two biographical databases are available for you to search for information on nearly 10,000 German soldiers, including over 2300 ranking officers and over 7000 holders of the highest German award for combat bravery, the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross.

Knights Cross Holder Biographies German Officer Biographies
German Officer Image