German Generalkommando SS Corps History

SS Korps during WWII were originally constituted to contain two SS Divisions soas to provide them with tactical control in the form of a SS Korp HQ. TheseKorps were designated with Roman Numbers, and in actuality, contained whateverunits were available, and often times contained both SS and Heer units,or even just Heer units alone!

All SS Korps, as with regular Army Korps, hadorganic units that were a part of the Korps structure. These units, much likethose core units of a Division, were units like field police, postal services,workshops, and other auxiliary and service formations. These organic Korps unitswere designated in many ways throughout the War, but eventually weredesignated in one of the following two manners. Organic Korps unitswould have their Korps number added to a base of 100, giving them a designationof 103, 104, 113, etc. If a field police unit was a part of the I SS PanzerKorps, its designation would be given as the 101st such-and-such. Later in theWar, some Korps units were detachted from their parent Korps HQs and placedunder the control of the Reichsfuhrung-SS or were “made into” SS Army Troopscalled Fuhrungstruppen. When this was done, these units had a base of 400added to their designation, giving them a 500 level number designation. Theabove field police unit formally a part of the I SS Panzer Korps, ifremoved and assigned as a special unit under the Reichsfuhrung-ss, wouldhave its new designation as the 501st such-and-such.

During the War, cetain organizations werecreated that were also called SS Korps, but that were not actual Romannumbered Korps in the formal distinction. These named Korps such as SSKorps Oder were actually more along the lines of Kampfgruppen, and notactually formal Korps.

Generalkommando VII. SS Panzerkorps

Formed 3.10.43 (Führerbefehl). 4.44 in Germany.

Never mentioned in the Schematische Kriegsgliederung.

30.6.44 used to form the Generalkommando IV. SS Panzerkorps.


SS-Korps Nachrichten-Abteilung

Generalkommando IX. Waffen Gebirgs-Armeekorps der SS

Formed 7.44 in Croatia, to control the Albanian and Croatian ss units

Destroyed 12.2.45 in Budapest.


ss Nachrichten-Kompanie 109
ss Nachschubtruppen 109

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
10.44 – 11.442. Pz. ArmeeFCroatia
12.44 – 1.456. ArmeeSüdHungary (Budapest)

Generalkommando X. SS-Armeekorps

Formed 1.45 in Pommern, using the XIV. SS-Armeekorps. Destroyed 3.45in Pommern.

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
2.4511. ArmeeWeichselPommern (Dramburg)
3.453. Pz. ArmeeWeichselPommern (Dramburg)

Generalkommando XI. SS-Armeekorps

Formed 24.7.44 in Ottmachau, near Neisse, Wehrkreis VIII, from the remnantsof V. Armeekorps (Heer). Formation completed 5.8.44.


Artilleriekommandeur XI. SS-Korps (from Arko 149)
ss Nachrichten-Abteilung 111 (from Korps-Nachr.Abt. 45)
ss Nachschubtruppen 111 (from Korps-Nachschubtruppen 405)

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
8.44 – 9.4417. ArmeeNordukraineWestgalizien (Wisloka)
10.44 – 1.4517. ArmeeAWestgalizien (Wisloka)
2.45 – 4.459. ArmeeWeichselOder (Küstrin)

Generalkommando XII. SS-Armeekorps

Formed 1.8.44 in Schlesien from the remnants of Kampfgruppe von Gottberg,LIII. Armeekorps and 310. Artillerie-Division.

Destroyed 16.3.45 in the Ruhr pocket.


SS Artillerie-Kommandeur 12
ss Korps-Nachrichten-Abteilung 112 (from Div.Nachr.Abt. 310 (Heer))
ss Nachschubtruppen 112

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
8.44 – 9.443. Pz. ArmeeMitteLithuania, Courland
10.441. Fallsch. ArmeeBHolland (Arnhem)
11.44 – 12.445. Pz. ArmeeBAachen
1.45 – 3.4515. ArmeeBRoer and Rhein
4.455. Pz. ArmeeBRhein and Ruhr

Generalkommando XIII. SS-Armeekorps

Formed 1.8.44 from the remnants of XXXV. Armeekorps and Artillerie-Divisions-Stabz.b.V. 312.


SS Artillerie-Kommandeur 113
SS-Nachrichten-Abteilung 113
ss Nachschubtruppen 113

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
9.44 – 12.441. ArmeeGSaarpfalz
1.45 – 4.451. ArmeeGSaarpfalz, Donau

Generalkommando XIV. SS Armeekorps

Formed 11.44 at the Upper Rhein area, from the earlier Chef des Bandenkampfverbände.In 1.45 used to form X. ss Armeekorps.

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
1.4519. ArmeeOB OberrheinUpper Rhein

Generalkommando XV. SS Kosaken-Kavallerie-Korps

Formed 1.2.45 in Croatia for the 1. and 2. Kosaken-Division.


ss Korps-Nachrichten-Abteilung 115

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
1.45 – 2.45reserveFCroatia
3.45 – 4.45E (OB Südost)Croatia

Generalkommando XVIII. SS-Armeekorps

Formed 12.44 at the Upper Rhein


Artillerie-Kommandeur 499 (Heer)
Nachrichten-Abteilung 499 (Heer)

DateArmyArmy GroupArea
1.4519. ArmeeOB OberrheinUpper Rhein
2.45 – 3.4519. ArmeeGUpper Rhein
4.4519. ArmeeOB WestSchwarzwald