
Unit Emblems

7.Armee-Oberkommando Emblem  


  • Westwall 1939
  • Western Campaign 1940
  • Occupation of France 1940-1944
  • French Campaign 1944
  • West Wall 1944-1945
  • Eastern Front 1945


The 7. Armee was established on 25 August 1939. From 3 September 1939 through 9 May 1940 they were assigned as security on the Western Frontier in Oberrhein region. They were involved in the Western Campaign from 10 May 1940 through 25 June 1940 and then from 26 June 1940 through 5 June 1944 as occupying forces in France. With the Allied invasion on 6 June 1944, the 7. Armee fought in the West until end of April 1945. They were only involved in fighting in the east for the last 8 days of the war. The 7. Armee was in existence for 2,084 days.


Korück 550
Armee-Nachschubführer 551
Armee-Nachrichten-Regiment 558


Korück AOK 7 (in summer of 1944)
Kdr. Armee-Nachschubtruppen 575
Armee-Nachrichten-Regiment 531
Höherer Arko 319


Friedrich Dollmann 8.25.1939
Paul Hausser (Waffen SS) 6.29.1944
Heinrich Eberbach 8.21.1944
Erich Brandenberger 9.3.1944
Hans Felber 2.22.1945
Hans von Obstfelder 3.26.1945

Calendar of Battles and Engagements

Western CampaignCalendar of Battles and Engagements
1.Security on the Western Border in the Oberrhein Area.9.3.19395.9.1940250
2.Security in the Western Fortifications.5.10.19406.14.194036
3.Attack out of the Oberrhein Region.6.15.19406.18.19404
4.Pursuit Fighting in Elsaß.6.18.19406.20.19403
5.Destruction Battles in Lothringen.6.21.19406.25.19405
6.Occupation of Eastern France.6.26.19407.2.19407
7.Security of the Atlantic Coast in Southwest France.7.3.19404.17.1941289
8.Security of the Channel and the Atlantic Coast [Normandy-Bretagne].4.18.1941 6.5.19441,145
9.Fighting in the Caen bridgehead.6.6.19446.13.19448
10.Fighting in the Caen Bridgeheadand St. Lo.6.14.19447.24.194441
a.Fighting on the Cotentin Peninsula.6.14.19447.1.194418
b.Fighting for Cherbourg.6.20.19446.26.19447
11.Battles in Normandy.7.25.19448.19.194426
a.Encirclementby Falaise.7.25.19448.19.194426
b.Defenseof St. Malo7.25.19448.17.194424
c.Defenseof Brest7.25.19449.18.194456
d.Defenseof Lorient7.25.19445.8.1945288
e.Defenseof St. Nazaire7.25.19445.8.1945288
12.Retreat from the Seine River to the German Border.8.21.19449.10.194421
13.Defense of the Westwall [Eifel]9.11.194412.15.194496
14.Ardennes Offensive [Bastogne]12.16.19441.2.194518
15.Retreat Fighting in Belgium to the Westwall.1.3.19451.30.194528
16.Fighting in the Trier Area.1.31.19453.14.194543
a.Loss of the Trier Region.3.1.19453.1.19451
17.Fighting Between the Mosel and Rhein Rivers in Hunsrück.3.15.19453.25.194511
a.Loss of Koblenz.3.17.19453.17.19451
Eastern Campaign Calendar of Battles and Engagements
1.Withdrawal Fighting in Thüringen to Leipzig.5.1.19455.8.19458

German Bibliography

  • Die deutschen Infanterie-Divisonen, Band 1-3, by Werner Haupt
  • Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945, Band 1-3, by Nobert Kannapin
  • Die Pflege der Tradition der alten Armee in Reichsheer und im der Wehrmacht, by Schirmer/Wiener
  • Die Truppenkennzeichen… der deutchen Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS, Band 1-4, by Schmitz/Thies
  • Der Zweite Weltkrieg im Kartenbild, Band 1-3, by Klaus-Jurgen Thies
  • Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939, by George Tessin
  • Verbände und Truppen der deutchen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS…, Band 1-14, by Georg Tessin
  • Formationsgeschichte und Stellenbesetzung 1815-1939, Teil 1, der deutschen Heer, Band 1-3, by Günter Wegner
  • Die Deutsche Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS, Ihre Kommando. u. Grossverbände… im Zweiten Weltkrieg, author unknown
  • Das Reichsheer und Seine Tradition, author unknown
  • Deutsche Rote Kreuz Suchdienst, Divisionsschicksale, author unknown