Category Archives: Luftwaffe

Norwegian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

During World War II a great number of volunteers from Norway served within the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Prior to 1940, there were few such volunteers, but after the invasion, their numbers increased dramatically totaling around 50,000 by wars end. Nowhere did Norwegians serve in greater numbers than in the ranks of the Waffen-SS, […]

Wehrmacht Organization

The German Army in World War II consisted of a number of different arms, or what many would refer to now as branches or services. During WWII, each separate branch was referred to as being an arm of the German military. For example, the Luftwaffe (Air Force) was an arm of the large Wehrmacht (Army), […]

Russian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

It is not known when and where exactly the first units of volunteers from the USSR, and from the countries annexed by Russia after 1939, were organized to fight against the Soviets on the German side. Their beginnings were shrouded in great secrecy, for fear of Hitler who was categorically opposed to any form of […]

Spaniard Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

Perhaps one of the most successful volunteer contingents to have fought for Germany, in terms of fierce fighting spirit and battle worthiness were the Spanish Volunteers. The war situation in spring of 1941 was bleak for Great Britain and her few existing allies; the Balkans, Greece, and Crete had fallen in short order beneath the […]

Stuka and Assault Pilot Knights Cross Holders

Most of the missions were flown in the Ju 87 if not noticed otherwise. Ranks listed are the ending rank of each KC holder. Heinz Günther Amelung Anton Andorfer Erich Axthammer Hans von Bargen Gerhardt Bauer Gerhard Bauhaus Ludwig Bellof Helmut Benkendorff Leutnant Born: Berlin-Pankow, 8.12.10 KC in March, 1944 Total 666 missions   Alois […]

Sturmstaffel 1

Staffelkapitän: Maj Hans-Günther von Kornatzki, 10.43 – 5.44 Formed 19.10.43 in Dortmund. On 8.5.44 redesignated 11./JG3. Bases 19.10.43 – 29.2.44 Dortmund Fw 190A 29.2.44 – 8.5.44 Salzwedel Fw 190A

Production Stats on German Tube-fired Weapons 1939-1945

Weapon 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Field and Siege Artillery 75mm leFK 18 8 96 75mm leFK 38 80 75mm FK 7M 59 10 75mm FK 7M 85 10 105mm K. 18 8 35 108 135 454 701 74 105mm leFH 18 483 1380 1160 1237 1661 1009 56 105mm leFH 18/40 1872 […]

Twin-engine Fighters / Zerstörerverbände

Geschwader Wings Zerstörergeschwader Twin-engine Fighter Wings Zerstörergeschwader 1 Zerstörergeschwader 2 Zerstörergeschwader 26 Zerstörergeschwader 52 Zerstörergeschwader 76 Zerstörergeschwader 101 (Sch./Ausb.) Twin-engine Fighter Wing 101 (School/Training) Gruppen Groups Zerstörergruppe 210 Twin-engine Fighter Group 210 Ergänzungs-Zerstörergruppe Twin-engine Fighter Replacement Group