Category Archives: Heer

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: May

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] May 1st May 1st, 1941: The Luftwaffe begins a series of 8 consecutive nightraids against Liverpool. May 1st, 1942: In the East, the siege of the Crimean fortress ofSevastopol by 11.Armee (von Manstein) continues with a ceaselessbombardment by batteries of heavy guns (up […]

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: November

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] November 1 November 1, 1939: Germany formally annexes western Poland, Danzig, and the Polish Corridor. This adds the new districts of Posen, Greater East Prussia and Danzig WestPrussia to the Reich. November 1, 1941: The German government issues a statement denying the charges […]

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: October

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] October 1 October 1, 1939: German troops enter devastated Wasaw. Hitler arrives andattends an impromptu victory parade. October 1, 1941: Conclusion of a conference at Moscow between Britain, theU.S. and the Soviet Union with promises of enormous amounts of aid to theSoviet war […]

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: September

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] September 1 September 1, 1939: Three German Armeegruppen begin the invasion of Polandat 4:45am CET, offically launching the world into what would be the mostdestructive and deadly war in all of history. Massive strikes by theLuftwaffe destroy vital communications and assembly areas, decimating […]

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: April

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] April 1st April 1st, 1945: In the East, bitter fighting rages in the western suburbs of the fortress city of Breslau. In the Southeast, the Soviet 3rd Ukrainian Front (Tolbukhin) reaches Wiener Neustadt in its advance toward Vienna.In the West, the US Ninth […]

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: August

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] August 1 August 1, 1941: Amreegruppe Mitte continues its liquidation of theSmolensk pocket. Soviet troops put up fierce resistance near Orsha andVitebsk west of Smolensk. A powerful counter-offensive is launched atGomel south of Mogilev against German bridgeheads over the Dnieper River.In North Africa, […]

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: December

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] December 1 December 1, 1943: Conclusion of the Tehran Conference, with the three Alliesin substantial agreement on the division of postwar Germany and the westward movement of the Polish eastern and western frontiers. TheSoviets had also put forth the notion of the summary […]

WWII Axis Military History Day-by-Day: February

[January] [February] [March] [April] [May] [June] [July] [August] [September] [October] [November] [December] February 1 February 1, 1942: In the East, the Red army begins an offensive toward Vjasma. February 1, 1943: German troops of Heeresgruppe Mitte (von Kluge) evacuate Demjansk. February 1, 1945: In its drive toward the Oder, the Soviet 1st Belorussian Front (Zhukov) […]