

  • 4.Fallschirm-Jäger-Division


  • Italy 1943-1945


Formation begun 5.11.43 (to be completed 1.2.44) in Venedig (Venice), fromthe following units: I./FJR.2, II./FJR.6 and I./Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1(all ex. 2.Fallschirm-Jäger-Division). A large number of Italianparatroopers from the Italian Parachute Divisions Dembo and Folgore alsojoined the new division.

Formation of the division was completed in February 1944, andwent into combat at Anzio, under I.FsA/AOK.14. The division earned areputation for toughness and reliability while fighting in Italy. In May 1945it surrendered between Viacenza and Bozen, in Northern Italy.


General Composition
Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 10
Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 11
Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 12
Fallschirm-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 4
Fallschirm-Artillerie-Regiment 4
Fallschirm-Flak-Abteilung 4
Fallschirm-Pionier-Bataillon 4
Fallschirm-Luftnachrichten-Abteilung 4
Fallschirm-Sanitäts-Abteilung 4

Added later were the following units:

Fallschirm-Granatwerfer-Bataillon 4
Fallschirm-Feldersatz-Bataillon 4

After 6.44 the division did not have its own Artillerie-Regiment.


  • GenLt. Heinrich Trettner 10.04.43 – 5.04.45

War Service

DateHigher HQLocation
12.43Heeresgruppe Cwhile forming in Venice-Padua-treviso area
1.44 – 5.44I.FsAK / AOK.14Anzio/Nettuno
6.44 – 7.44I.FsAK / AOK.14Rome, Viterbo, Perugia, Siena and Florens
8.44 – 11.44I.FsAK / AOK.14Rimini
12.44 – 3.45I.FsAK / AOK.10Bologna, Via Emilia
4.45reserve / AOK.10Ferrara, Verona, Vicenza and Bozen